On Saturday 30th, we celebrate the Non Violence and Peace Day. This day is the anniversary of the death of the spiritual and national Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi.
In Tomelloso, schools celebrate Peace Day on Thursday 28th. The goal of this day is to point out the importance of solidarity among countries. Some weeks ago, Haiti suffered one of the worst Earthquakes in the History of Humanity. Next Thursday is a good day to think of it, what can we do now and in a next future? The world can’t allow a similar tragedy.
I give you a Confucio’s thought: BETTER TO LIGHT A CANDLE THAN TO CURSE THE DARKNESS. I think it’s a very good piece of advice.

And, of course, over here, there’s a video with one of the best songs about peace in the world and protection of the environment: “Imagine” by John Lennon. Can you make an effort and learn the lyrics? Cheer up!


1 comment:

CrisIOP said...

Hello , Im Cristina 6b