Vocabulary (easy)
More vocabulary
Let's talk about Halloween
Listen and match words with pictures
Listen about Halloween
Vocabulary games (easy)
Vocabulary games (click on game)
I spy with my little eye
I spy with my little eye (2nd level)
Listen the word and click the picture
Listen and click the picture
Paint it
Spell the word
Drag the word
Memory game
Make a trick or treat picture
Halloween hangman
Garfield in the haunted house
Winnie the witch games
Halloween book
Create a pumpkin
Make a monster
Halloween Fairy
Destroy the pumpkins
Colouring pictures
More colouring
What do we see on Halloween?
Maria's Halloween
A magic potion
Wendy's shop
In a dark, dark wood
Happy Halloween
Halloween sounds
We are pumpkins
The skeleton's song
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